For information on our venue’s accessibility and to assist customers who may have special access needs plan their visit, please see below.
Wheelchair user access is provided using lower entrance for Row A8 and A17, additional wheelchair spaces can be created by removing chairs in rows A and B. A lift to the First Floor is available for wheelchairs spaces R1 and R8.
There is a fully adapted unisex toilet on both levels.
There are Ladies and Gentlemen’s toilets just at theatre entrance on both levels.
The theatre bar / cafe is located on the ground floor. It is run at discretion of the Theatre Management. A pre-ordering of dinks for show intervals is available by talking to a member of theatre staff. Ice Creams are available in the auditorium.
The theatre is fitted with an induction loop hearing assistance system.
Spaces nearest the entrance are marked for blue badge holders.
Guide dogs and hearing dogs are welcome. For comfort we recommend purchasing a seat on the end of a rows A or B.
Access to the auditorium is via the ground floor entrances or stairs / lift to upper entrances. There are two staircases running from top to bottom inside the auditorium.
If you would like to know more about us and our theatre events,
please contact us with your queries.
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